Searching for IoTResources

Wikis > > IoTResource Catalogue > Searching for IoTResources

The IoT Resource Catalogue provides a Query language for finding IoTResources. The Query language is based on xpath for querying Xml documents. The IoTResource Catalogue takes an xpath expression and applies it to  the SCPD document of the IoTResources. The IoTResources that matches the xpath expression is then returned.

The  xpath querying can be used directly in the REST-Url:


Some example expressions:

http://<catalogueendpoint>//IoT:gateway – returns all IoTResource that has a gateway-element

http://<catalogueendpoint>//IoT:gateway[.=’ARMSTRONG’] – returns all IoTResource that at gateway “ARMSTRONG”


The following namespaces can be used in the xpath expressions:

  • upnp
  • IoT
  • IoTObservation

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