The IoTResource Catalogue offers a number of services which can be listed using the the following REST-expression: http://<catalogueendpoint>/services. If you type this into a browser the result will be:
Each service provides a number of actions that can be performed on the IoTResource. The catalogue service provides the main functionality of the IoTResource Catalogue. You can list all actions provided by a service with the following REST-expression: http://<catalogueendpoint>/services/actions. The returned XML specifies the action and the arguments needed to call it:
Below is a short explanation of all actions:
Returns all gateways known by the catalogue
Returns all IoTResources that are in an error state,for instance that have disappeared from the network without telling about it
Argument: resourceId
Returns the SCPD for a specified IoT Resource
Argument: gateway ID
Returns the SCPD file for all IoT Resources at a specified gateway
Returns the IotResourceId, FriendlyName and the localendpoint for all IoTResources known by the catalogue
Argument: Xpath expression
Returns the IotResourceId, FriendlyName and the localendpoint for all IoTResources known by the catalogue that matches the xpath description
Argument: Xpath expression
Returns the SCPD file an for all IoTResources known by the catalogue that matches the xpath description
Register an IoTResource directly not using UPnPDiscovery.
Argument: manualIoTResources ????
Returns all IoTResources that has registered themselves and not through UPnP
Returns the number of IoTResources, UPnPDevices, ErrorResources
Instructs the catalogue to release and forget about the IoTResources that are currently in the error list
Instructs the catalogue to issue a new M-SEARCH command to find new IoTResources in the network
Instructs the catalogue to forget about all IoTResources and ErrorResources and issue a ReScan command